CyberQ Shield

Real Time Cloud Native Security & Compliance for AWS, GCP & AZURE Cloud

Agent-less, Deploy in minutes, No performance impact, No skip(over) assets, Deeper visibility, Multi-Compliance and more..

Explore SecLogic Platform

SecLogic Security intelligence provides contextual insights that proactively and systematically identify toxic combinations of real risk and attack paths into your cloud so you can proactively reduce your attack surface.


Continuously monitor misconfigurations across clouds, including automatic posture management and remediation, IaC scanning, CIS benchmark monitoring and compliance reporting.

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Vulnerability Management

Agentless CVE detection for operating systems, packages and libraries across virtual machines, containers, Images & serverless functions.


Monitor human and service identities, effective permissions, and exposed secrets across cloud environments. Analyze risk and generate least privilege access policies to efficiently remove any identity risk blast radius.

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Container Security

Protect Kubernetes and container-based applications from development to production including automated, agentless analysis of vulnerabilities, malware, exposed secrets.

IaC Scanning

Fix misconfigurations, secrets, and vulnerabilities in Terraform, ARM, CloudFormation, Kubernetes and other IaC templates. Leverage a single policy from source code to run time.


Agentless & Agent based scans for vulnerabilities, secrets, malware and secure configuration across virtual machines, containers and serverless functions for extensible workload protection.

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SecLogic supports over 15 built-in compliance frameworks, such as CIS, NIST, PCI, SOC2 and GDPR, allowing compliance teams to continuously monitor, report on and improve compliance gaps.

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Serverless security

Protect serverless functions across your cloud through an agentless, API-based analysis of vulnerabilities and malware, secret-scanning, and deep network and identity context to identify and protect serverless functions.


Detect, investigate, and respond to cloud attacks in progress. With CDR, security teams can quickly identify threats and limit breach exposure while monitoring, detection & response for every cloud event.

Real Time Cloud Security & Compliance Management

There are no agents to install and keep updated, no overlooked assets, no DevOps headaches, and no performance hits on live environments.

Multi-Cloud Visibility & Contextual Remediation

CyberQ Shield deploys in minutes, detect risks and deliver contextual remediation for multi-cloud environments.

Cloud Security Deserves Better

It’s time to stop iterating on IT security tools purposefully designed & built for on-premise environments.

Get Real Time Cloud Visibility

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Discover Every Cloud Asset in Real Time

CyberQ Shield connect in minutes and scales to any public cloud environment with zero impact on resource or workload performance. It creates an inventory of every technology running in cloud environment and delivers unified visibility from every layer of the cloud stack with the agentless, cloud native technology.

Identify & Fix Cloud Network,Data & Identity Risks in Real Time

Discover the most critical risks with actionable context. CyberQ Shield analyzes entire cloud security stack in Real Time to uncover the unwarranted gaps that represent real risk while eliminating the manual work of finding and analyzing contingent alerts.

Auto Remediation's to Reduce MTTR

Identify & fix security gaps faster by eliminating operational silos and empowering cross-functional teams to proactively fix issues through easy workflows and remediation guidance therefore removes hit & trial approach. The feature is built on PLOP (Principal of Least Privilege) standard which eliminates the need to follow a traditional approach of allowing privilege permissions for the remediation work flow.

Connect everything for full visibility

Our cloud and container security platform support multi-cloud environments and addresses risk across all of your cloud accounts and deployments.

Our happy clients say about us

“CyberQ Shield platform provides visibility in minutes, across every aspect of your cloud, providing a single pane of glass view across all environments – almost instantly. The platform enables you to know what your engineers don’t really know, arming the Security team with the context in Real Time.”

Srinivasan Mahalingam

Srinivasan Mahalingam

Group CISO and DPO @ ANSR

“1.Fast deployment and maintenance. 2. UI directs you to higher risk opportunities first but you can filter into less risky areas quickly.3. Auto remediations is a great feature.”

Jenny Wang

Jenny Wang


“Easy to onboard to our existing clouds with an agentless approach. Very comprehensive on the Cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities with daily updates. Comes with the recommended resolution for immediate action.”

Craig Wilson

Craig Wilson

Head Cloud Infrastructure

Partner with us in your Cloud Security Journey

CyberQ Shield is built from the ground up to align to customer challenges in managing cloud security